
Loïc Dutrieux, Ben DeVries

You've just downloaded Landsat data; you're 3 lines of code away from a change map

Why we built bfastSpatial

  • Automate things that we were doing routinely
  • Streamline pre-processing and analysis
  • Because it's fun!!!

Overall it makes dealing with Landsat data for change detection more efficient and more accessible

Classical data pre-processing and analysis chain

  • Download the data
  • Unpack the data
  • Atmospheric correction and orthorectification
  • Cloud masking
  • Calculation of vegetation indices
  • Prepare time-series
  • Run algorithm

With bfastSptial we've tried to streamline this process

Enough theory, let's try it!!!


You need:

  • (A recent version of) R
  • The devtools package
# install devtools package

Then we can install the package using the devtools package

# install bfastSpatial from github

Prepare the session

Create a directory where to store input and output on your computer

# Set path of the project (these directories must exist)
path <- '~/sandbox/changeHungary'
inDir <- file.path(path, 'in')

# Download the archive with the data (~100MB)
              destfile = file.path(path, 'hungaryData.tar.gz'))
# Alternative download:

# Unpack the data
untar(file.path(path, 'hungaryData.tar.gz'), exdir = inDir)

About the data

  • These are Surface reflectance Landsat data downloaded via espa
  • The full time-series (2000-2015) of a 5x5 km extent was downloaded
  • The product already contains vegetation indices (NDVI, NDMI, etc), processed by the USGS
  • For a tutorial on how to order data from USGS and download them, refer to the main bfastSpatial tutorial

At the border between Romania and Hungary


A typical data processing/analysis project has three directories (in, step, out), which we'll need to create


# tmp dir is for storing 'invisible' temporary files
# We can use the tmp directory of the raster package
tmpDir <- rasterOptions()$tmpdir

# StepDir is where we store intermediary outputs
stepDir <- file.path(path, 'step')

# ndviDir is a subdirectory of stepDir
# it is where individual NDVI layers will be stored before being stacked
ndviDir <- file.path(stepDir, 'ndvi')

# Ouput directory
outDir <- file.path(path, 'out')

These directories need to already exist before we start pre-processing the data; you can do that manually or by running the following loop

for (i in c(stepDir, ndviDir, outDir)) {
  dir.create(i, showWarnings = FALSE)

One last check

# Check that we have the right data in the inDir folder

Output of getSceneinfo

LC81850272015108    OLI  185  27 2015-04-18
LC81850272015124    OLI  185  27 2015-05-04
LC81860272013125    OLI  186  27 2013-05-05
LC81860272013141    OLI  186  27 2013-05-21
LC81860272013157    OLI  186  27 2013-06-06
LC81860272013173    OLI  186  27 2013-06-22

Everything setup, we can start

processLandsatBatch runs processLandsat in batch mode

# Process NDVI for all scenes of inDir (takes 3-5 minutes on my tiny Lenovo)
processLandsatBatch(x = inDir, outdir = ndviDir, srdir = tmpDir,
                    delete = TRUE, mask = 'fmask', vi = 'ndvi')

The function returns a list of TRUE, nothing to worry about, it means that everything went well

Let's check the output


[1] "ndvi.LC81850272015108.grd" "ndvi.LC81850272015108.gri" "ndvi.LC81850272015124.grd"
[4] "ndvi.LC81850272015124.gri" "ndvi.LC81860272013125.grd" "ndvi.LC81860272013125.gri"

Then we need to create the NDVI rasterBrick

# Make temporal ndvi stack
ndviStack <- timeStack(x = ndviDir, pattern = glob2rx('*.grd'),
                       filename = file.path(stepDir, 'ndvi_stack.grd'),
                       datatype = 'INT2S')

# Look at object metadata
class       : RasterBrick 
dimensions  : 176, 177, 31152, 397  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 30, 30  (x, y)
extent      : 569805.5, 575115.5, 5275605, 5280885  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=34 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
data source : /home/loic/Desktop/HungaryData/step/ndvi_stack.grd 
names       : LE71850272000123, LE71850272000155, LE71850272000235, ... 
time        : 2000-02-03, 2015-06-12 (min, max)

Run the algorithm

Produce a change map between 2010 (start=) and 2013 (monend=)

# Run bfastmonitor (that part takes a long time)
bfm <- bfmSpatial(x = ndviStack, pptype = 'irregular', start = 2010,
                  formula = response ~ trend + harmon, order = 3,
                  mc.cores = 1, filename = file.path(outDir, 'bfm_2010.grd'),
                  monend = 2013)

The process takes about 20 min (can be monitored with the system.time() function)

formula = is a particularly important parameter to tune, we'll see what influence it may have on the change results when looking at individual pixels

What's the output like?

> bfm

class       : RasterBrick 
dimensions  : 176, 177, 31152, 3  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution  : 30, 30  (x, y)
extent      : 569805.5, 575115.5, 5275605, 5280885  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=34 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 
data source : /home/loic/Desktop/HungaryData/out/bfm_2010.grd 
names       :   layer.1,   layer.2,   layer.3 
min values  :  2010.427, -4599.156,        NA 
max values  :  2012.879,  6252.375,        NA 

From the help page (?bfmSpatial)

By default, 3 layers are returned: (1) breakpoint: timing of breakpoints detected for each pixel; (2) magnitude: the median of the residuals within the monitoring period; (3) error: a value of 1 for pixels where an error was encountered by the algorithm (see try), and NA where the method was successfully run

plot(ndviStack[[204]], col = grey.colors(255), legend = F)
plot(bfm[[1]], add=TRUE)

Utilities: Investigate individual pixel time-series

  • bfmPixel() (run bfastmonitor on individual pixels)
  • bfmApp (investigate bfastmonitor parameters interactively)
  • breakpoints app (Interactive detection of multiple breakpoints)

bfmPixel() example

# Plot a cloud free recent NDVI layer
plot(ndviStack, 394)

# Call bfmPixel in interactive mode
bfmPixel(x = ndviStack, start = 2010, monend = 2013, interactive = TRUE, plot = TRUE)

# Click on a pixel

bfmApp and breakpoints app

These shiny applications allow to investigate single time-series interactively

They require an rds file as input, which can be easily created using the zooExtract() function:

# Sample regular points over the extent of the data
sp <- sampleRegular(ndviStack, size = 100, sp = TRUE)
# Extract the time-series corresponding to the locations of the sample points
# and store the multiple time-series object in the stepDir of the project
zooTs <- zooExtract(x = ndviStack, sample = sp,
                    file = file.path(stepDir, 'zooTs.rds'))

There is also a set of dependencies required to run the apps

install.packages('shiny', 'zoo', 'bfast', 'strucchange', 'ggplot2',
                 'lubridate', 'dplyr')



But sometimes dynamics are more complex

breakpoints app


And what about validation?

We have a tool for that too; try timeSyncR for visual interpretation of time-series


  • Early steps of the pre-processing are very standard and can be automated
  • It's easy to produce a change map
  • But a good change map requires local tuning
  • Spend some time looking at individual pixels
  • Keep your projects well structured

Where to find help

Code used for this session
