Command line interface

ggextract comes with two Command Line Interfaces for convenience. Both CLI expose the functionalities of geextract.ts_extract() function, to extract a time-series from a single pixel or a circular buffer. The gee_extract_batch command takes a text file as input in which coordinates and name of multiple locations may be written, allowing batch ordrering of data. Both CLI write the extracted data to a sqlite database.

Simple CLI for ordering a single time-series and write it to a sqlite database

usage: [-h] -lat LAT -lon LON -b BEGIN [-e END] -db DB -site
                      SITE -table TABLE [-r RADIUS] -s SENSOR [-stats STATS]
                      [-t [TIERS [TIERS ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -lat LAT, --lat LAT   center latitude in Decimal Degrees
  -lon LON, --lon LON   center longitude in Decimal Degrees
  -b BEGIN, --begin BEGIN
                        Anterior time-range boundary in yyyy-mm-dd
  -e END, --end END     Posterior time-range boundary in yyyy-mm-dd
  -db DB, --db DB       Path to sqlite database. Will be created if does not
  -site SITE, --site SITE
                        Label associated with that location (e.g. Site name)
  -table TABLE, --table TABLE
                        Database table name to write data. Existing tables
                        will be appended
  -r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
                        Optional circular radius in meters around center point
  -s SENSOR, --sensor SENSOR
                        Landsat sensor to query; one of LT4, LT5, LE7, LC8
  -stats STATS, --stats STATS
                        Spatial aggregation function, one of mean (default),
                        median, max or min. Only relevant if a radius value is
  -t [TIERS [TIERS ...]], --tiers [TIERS [TIERS ...]]
                        Tiers to order (T1: highest quality, defaults to T1
                        and T2)

Command line utility to extract Lansat surface reflectance data from the google earth
engine platform and write the output to a local sqlite database. Query can be done for
a single pixel, or for a circular region, in which case data are spatially aggregated
for each time step using the a user defined spatial aggregation function.

sqlite tables get appended if new data are queried (i.e. for the same location but a different sensor).

Example usage
# Extract all the LT5 bands for a location in Yucatan for the entire Landsat period, with a 500m radius -s LT5 -b 1980-01-01 -lon -89.8107 -lat 20.4159 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -site uxmal -table col_1 -s LE7 -b 1980-01-01 -lon -89.8107 -lat 20.4159 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -site uxmal -table col_1 -s LC8 -b 1980-01-01 -lon -89.8107 -lat 20.4159 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -site uxmal -table col_1

# Extract only tier 1 data for LC8 -s LC8 -b 1980-01-01 -lon -89.8107 -lat 20.4159 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -site uxmal -table col_1 --tiers T1

Batch ordering CLI

usage: [-h] -b BEGIN [-e END] -db DB [-r RADIUS] -s
                            SENSOR -table TABLE [-stats STATS]
                            [-t [TIERS [TIERS ...]]]

positional arguments:
  file                  Input text file with coma separated site coordinates
                        in DD and site name on each line.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BEGIN, --begin BEGIN
                        Anterior time-range boundary in yyyy-mm-dd
  -e END, --end END     Posterior time-range boundary in yyyy-mm-dd
  -db DB, --db DB       Path to sqlite database. Will be created if does not
  -r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
                        Optional circular radius in meters around center point
  -s SENSOR, --sensor SENSOR
                        Landsat sensor to query; one of LT4, LT5, LE7, LC8
  -table TABLE, --table TABLE
                        Database table name to write data. Existing tables
                        will be appended
  -stats STATS, --stats STATS
                        Spatial aggregation function, one of mean (default),
                        median, max or min. Only relevant if a radius value is
  -t [TIERS [TIERS ...]], --tiers [TIERS [TIERS ...]]
                        Tiers to order (T1: highest quality, defaults to T1
                        and T2)

Command line utility to batch extract Lansat surface reflectance data from the google earth
engine platform and write the output to a local sqlite database. Query can be done for
a single pixel, or for a circular region, in which case data are spatially aggregated
for each time step using the a user defined spatial aggregation function.

Input locations must be provided in a text file, with on each line lon,lat,site_name
site_name provided for each site in the text file is used (together with sensor) as grouping variable
in the sqlite table.

Example usage
# Extract all the LC8 bands in a 500 meters for two locations between 2012 and now
echo "4.7174,44.7814,rompon\n-149.4260,-17.6509,tahiti" > site_list.txt site_list.txt -b 1984-01-01 -s LT5 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -table landsat_ts site_list.txt -b 1984-01-01 -s LE7 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -table landsat_ts site_list.txt -b 1984-01-01 -s LC8 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -table landsat_ts

# Only Tier 1 for LC8 site_list.txt -b 1984-01-01 -s LC8 -r 500 -db /tmp/gee_db.sqlite -table landsat_ts --tiers T1